Sustainability Policy

Jacobs Massey Ltd is committed to conducting our business in a manner that is professional, ethical and pays due attention to our wider responsibilities. We understand the importance of sustainability, and of our corporate social responsibility to our wider community. We always aim to provide our clients with innovative sustainable solutions for their events, and to promote the lowest impact options.

We take sustainable development as a guiding principle: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future.

We aim to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations and our supply chain. Following these key principles will enable us to achieve this aim:

  • Ensure our services are undertaken and developed in a way that is sustainable by minimising waste throughout all our activities
  • Make efficient use of materials, equipment, energy, and other resources to ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Reduce total waste produced by minimising consumption, using resources productively, by appropriate reuse, repair, and proper recycling, expanding the use of refurbished or recycled, products and materials.
  • Reduce the impact of staff and visitor travel by promoting sustainable transport use and working with suppliers to maximise the sustainability of our transport activities.
  • Identify and provide appropriate training, advice and information for staff and encourage them to develop new ideas and initiatives.


This Sustainability Policy is a public statement of our commitment towards lowering the environmental impact of our activities, and the services we provide. We realise this cannot be achieved effectively without the full co‑operation of our staff, freelancers, clients, and other business partners. Such co‑operation is required from all JacobsMassey personnel and requested from all those with whom we interact.

Graeme Massey
Managing Director

Management Activities

For us to achieve ‘Sustainable Best Practice’, we have set out specific strategies and processes. Although not exhaustive, the following list highlights some of the key issues that are considered in our operational activities.

  • Ensure compliance with relevant legislation codes of practice and regulations.
  • Ensure a sustainable approach is always taken within our company.
  • Seek to prevent pollution and to minimise waste.
  • Seek to ensure the low-carbon option is taken whenever possible.
  • Identify and minimise the impact of our activities where low-carbon options are not available.
  • Minimising the purchase, and maximising the use, of low impact materials and equipment wherever practical in all our activities and services.
  • Promote responsibility for the environment within our company and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within our team.
  • Provide appropriate resources to meet the commitments of this policy.

Policy scope

This policy covers all employees, freelancers and suppliers. The success of this Environmental and Sustainability Policy will involve the commitment and support of all our stakeholders.


The Senior Management team, under the leadership of our Managing Director Graeme Massey, are our business quality champions. They have overall responsibility for ensuring the effective application and implementation of this policy. They undertake regular management reviews of this policy with the objective of always achieving best practice.


This Policy will be reviewed each year, or when new legislation is introduced that needs to be reflected in the policy.

Download our Sustainability Policy as a pdf

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