This Policy Statement is about how Jacobs Massey Ltd (Jacobs Massey) takes account of its economic, social and environmental impact in the way it operates as a business. By demonstrating our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility we aim to align our business values, purpose, and strategy with the needs of our clients, whilst embedding such responsible and ethical principles into everything we do.
The elements of this Statement cover our approach in dealing with our clients, suppliers and the local community principles in an effort to support reducing our energy, procurement, transport, water use and other business usage to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Graeme Massey, Managing Director
Jacobs Massey
The Directors will also ensure that our work with both our local and industry communities involves:
- Working and supporting local charities
- Working with and supporting AV industry organisation that exercise and promote good corporate responsibility
- Encouraging volunteer work in community activities
- Supporting education and training amongst our staff and temporary workers
Protection on the environment in which we live and operate is part of Jacobs Massey’s values and principles and we consider it to be sound business practice. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way we do business.
In this policy statement we commit our company to:
- Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice
- Seeking to minimise wastage and maximize efficient use of materials and resources
- Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner
- Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy statement and within an environmentally aware culture
- Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation
- Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance
The nature of our work as a consultancy means that we do not inherently have a high environmental impact but we will take consideration of environmental issues in the professional services we provide and endeavour to reduce our environmental impact wherever possible.
The Directors will ensure that the Company reduces its environmental impact by:
- Reducing all our transportation requirements to the minimum and utilizing public transport and such facilities as video and conference calls to avoid unnecessary travel
- Sourcing and buying locally to save fuel costs wherever possible
- Ensuring all equipment is switched off when not required
- Ensuring that water is used efficiently
- Printing documents only when absolutely required
- Recycling all waste and sourcing recycled materials wherever possible
- Working with like-minded suppliers who also minimize their environmental impact
Theft, Fraud and Bribery and Compliance with the Law
JacobsMassey staff, freelancers, suppliers and others to whom this Policy applies must observe both the spirit and letter of the laws and regulations that apply to their work.
JacobsMassey does not permit the bribery of any person involved in the Company’s business or any client, supplier or business partner of JacobsMassey.
JacobsMassey does not tolerate fraud. All our staff, freelancers, suppliers and other business partners have a responsibility to be alert to the signs of fraud and to report suspected fraud. JacobsMassey defines fraud as any intentional act committed to secure an unfair or unlawful gain. This includes:
- Fraudulent financial reporting (such as manipulation of vendor rebates, false sales, delaying or avoiding expenses).
- Misappropriation of assets (examples include fraudulent expense claims, burglary and property damage, misuse of client accounts or client data).
- Theft, Bribery or corruption.
- Unethical dealing, such as facilitation payments and preferential treatment, with leaders and managers of all organisations, including public officials.
- Concealing a conflict of interest.
JacobsMassey is committed to the prevention, detection and proper investigation of fraud and will respond to all incidents of fraud, seeking to recover loss, taking action against those who perpetrate fraud and reporting incidents to the authorities as appropriate. We expect our freelancers
The Directors will also ensure that we deal responsibly, openly and fairly with clients, potential clients and candidates by:
- Ensuring that all our advertising and documentation about the business and its activities are clear, informative, legal, honest, truthful and reflects our Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policies
- Being open and honest about our products and services and telling customers what they want to know, including what we do to be socially responsible
- We will avoid pressure selling techniques
- Ensuring that if something goes wrong we will acknowledge the problem and will deal with it, ensuring those affected are kept fully informed
- We will listen to our clients and candidates so that we can improve the services we offer to them
- We fully acknowledge our legal obligations, as well as our responsibility to the wider community, to ensure that all of our workers have the legal right to work in the UK before they undertake any work for us. We meet all candidates in person, checking and making copies of original documents, and taking up references from previous employers. This enables us to meet employment and immigration legal requirements, and to address the broader obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We have systems in place to monitor this activity on an on-going basis.
- Ensuring that we benchmark and evaluate what we do in order to constantly improve our competitive edge in the marketplace
Freelancers and Suppliers
The Directors will also ensure that we deal responsibly, openly, and fairly with freelancers and suppliers by:
- Ensuring that we make clear arrangement with and fully meet our obligations as agreed
- That we will endeavour to pay on time
- Not expecting any discounts to have a detrimental effect on their business
The operational and ultimate responsibility for the commitment to our corporate social responsibility principles lies with the Directors of Jacobs Massey. Every employee of Jacobs Massey is expected to give their full co-operation to the above principles in their activities at work.
Modern Day Slavery Act 2015
JacobsMassey recognises its responsibilities and ensures its staff are alert to the risks, however small, in our business, and in the wider supply chain. We will achieve these aims by identifying and mitigating risk in the following (but not limited to) ways:
- Stringent vetting of our supply chain.
- Continually reviewing our practices for checking all employees and freelancers have the right to work and are paid at least the minimum wage.
- Encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers.
- We have a zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking and will not knowingly deal with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking. We expect all those in our supply chain, including freelancers, to comply with our values.
Human Rights
As a company we are committed to being a responsible and ethical business, and to this end we explicitly commit to respect internationally recognised human rights, and to ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses through our supply chain and stakeholder relationships. We will not do business with organisations that do not hold similar values.
This Policy will be monitored and reviewed each year by the Directors to ensure the Company’s continuing compliance with relevant legislation, to meet new business requirements and to identify areas for improvement, updating this document to reflect such changes.